Oi vey ... I'm not one to enjoy saying anything positive about myself (probably something I should work on...), but I'll try and see if I can come up with something.
I don't know if this is a "virtue" (what really qualifies something as a virtue?), but I value that I tend to be a very passionate person. As I've said before, I hold a deep love and appreciation for many forms of art. Any time I engage in anything creative, I do so whole-heartedly.
I also value that I am a listener - I'm not quick to speak and would much rather sit back and listen to the conversation of others in a social situation. This also makes me great at listening when people just need someone to talk to. And I truly listen intently, I don't just nod and smile and then wonder what I'm eating for dinner.
Another "virtue" might be that I have an uncanny ability to really put myself in other people's shoes and to be able to understand how/why they think a certain way. It doesn't mean I always agree with them, but I am able to see where they are coming from.
Lastly, I value that I am very loyal. Once I am your friend, you're not going to get rid of me easily. I may not be the best at communicating (especially when friendships become long-distance friendships - something else I need to work on), but that does not mean that I do not still love you and consider you a good friend.
Whew. Okay. That one's done and over with.
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