I'm not a huge fan of scary movies, I'm actual quite the opposite. Nine out of ten days, I will be in the mood for a comedy or musical over a drama or action flick. Nonetheless, I find myself constantly exposed to previews for scary movies whether in the theater or on television. Every once in a while, one will catch my eye that seems worth watching. Most others just scare the crap out of me. Either way, I never end up watching these horror flicks, worthy of viewing or otherwise.
The Strangers was one such movie that caught my eye. It didn't seem horrible, and I've always had a small curiosity to see it.
As most of you know, I am in Spring Arbor until Friday. I've been having a great time thus far, helping paint the set for "Music Man" and hanging out with some old friends. For the first couple days, I had been texting Kelly, my injured friend, to see how things were going with her and hoping to see her soon. She met with a surgeon yesterday and this is the gist of what she found out: her surgery will be early next week, after which she cannot put ANY weight on her ankle for six weeks. After that, she can put minimal weight on it for about four months and she's not allowed to work for 10 months after the surgery. The surgeon doesn't know yet whether she will every regain full use of that leg.
Yesterday evening, I found out that a mutual friend of ours was going to see her after rehearsal, so I texted him and asked if I could tag along. He told me they were planning on watching The Strangers, but I could come if I wanted. I claimed to be perfectly fine with that choice of movie, so he came to pick me up. In all honesty, I was perfectly fine with it. I was curious to see it and thought that I could handle it well enough. Either way, it didn't matter, I would get to see Kelly!
Kelly is staying with some friends very near Spring Arbor, and they are taking very good care of her (I'd have some issues with them if they weren't). I got to see her, hug her, and hand her her machete. She really needs continued prayer. Apparently she had a lot of big things coming up in the next few months that she will no longer be able to do: a mission's trip to the Philippines, an art show, and a couple new clients that had hired her as a personal trainer. Not to mention the job(s) she already had. Kelly is one of those people that cannot sit still, she is very active and always has to be up and moving. Being nearly bed-ridden like she is has been, and will continue to be, extremely difficult for her. Prayer is very much appreciated!
Anyway, back to The Strangers. I watched it, as difficult as it was with some one screaming ... no, screeching every 10 minutes and people talking obnoxiously loud in the other room. I think what got to me more than anything was that it wasn't about spirits, or monsters, or demons. It was based on a true story - at least what they think might have happened at this house, no one knows for sure. And the people under those freaky masks that I saw in the previews were actual people, not phantoms or spirits. They were people and (SPOILER ALERT) they stabbed their victims to death - which is one of my biggest fears. Yes, I did scream a few times and Kelly gripped my leg so hard at one point that I had to pry her fingers off.
Luckily someone from the house I'm staying in had also come, so I had someone to go back into this huge old house with. We watched a couple episodes of Friends before we went to bed (well, I went to bed - she zonked out on the couch), which ended up being a wise choice.
So all in all, I hope to never watch a scary movie again and I also hope to get to hang out with Kelly once more before Friday rolls around.
Love to all,
we've given up scary movies too.
ReplyDeletethe last one we watched, "paranormal activity" i had nightmares about. kept thinking i was going to get dragged out of bed by my feet while i was sleeping.
(the devil loves us to feel this kind of fear)