"only You can make every new day seem so new" ~Five Iron Frenzy

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


"Has the world's definition of beauty ever jaded me?"

Well, let's see:  if by the "world" you mean media, or popular culture, then their definition of beauty might go something like this:

Beauty (Byoo-tee) n:

a person (usually a woman) possessing all of these traits:
- being thin, usually underweight
- being "fit," "toned," or "in-shape"
- having clear, tan skin
- being perfectly proportioned
- possessing a fearless, outgoing personality
- having hair that is always done flawlessly

I believe I would be lying, as most women would, if I were to say that this definition of beauty has never had an effect on me.  I have often noticed that compared to most women on TV and in movies, I am slightly overweight, my hips are too wide, and my hair never seems to lay quite right.

Sure, this has bothered me from time to time, but I don't believe I've been jaded by it.  It hasn't had a significant effect on my self-esteem or body image.  I haven't tried desperately to change my appearance because of it and I haven't tried to conform to this image.  I am quite happy being me.  I get stressed enough on my own, I don't need to add to it the stress of trying to fit into the world's image of beauty.
I don't wear heels because they're uncomfortable.  I don't dress in the highest fashions, because they only last for a few months before those clothes are useless.  I haven't lost weight because I enjoy food too much and I don't work out because I have yet to find the motivation to do so.  I don't take the time doing my hair in the morning because I'd much rather sleep an extra half hour/hour.  And I'm not outgoing because I'm much more comfortable curling up with a book on a Saturday night than going out.

So in answer to your question: no, I have not been jaded by the world's definition of beauty.  Their definition is based solely on appearances and uniformity.  I base my opinion of beauty on uniqueness and the state of the heart.


  1. i also lack the motivation to work out. and sugar is my favorite food group. and i also love to sleep in, that's how i've learned to rock my bedhead.
    *thumbs up* wonderful post.

  2. Thank you! I'm even more unfortunate, my favorite food groups include:
    sugar, chocolate, butter, salt, and fast food.
