"only You can make every new day seem so new" ~Five Iron Frenzy

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Encouragement and Posture

Alright, time to make up for missing posts the last couple days, so here we go:

Encourage another woman:

There are so many wonderful women in my life, how do I choose? Well, there is one who I think can use the most encouragement:

To my sister Bethany:

I know that you're not where you want to be in life right now.  I know you always pictured yourself with a husband and a slew of kids and probably still another on the way by the time you reached this age.  This is what I have to say to you:

#1)  Take a look at how far you've come in the past few years - take a look at what you have created on your own:  you have a full time job, you have your own (very nice) apartment, your own car, and you still pursue your relationship with God more passionately than many people I know.  And you're not even done yet!  I know what your present aspirations are, I know you currently want to go back to beauty school.  You know what?  I think you can do it.  Take a look at mom.  She is a perfect example of, "if there's a will there's a way."  She has never failed to do anything she put her mind to.  Knowing how stubborn you are, I think that you can take that stubbornness and make something happen for yourself.

#2)  You are still young (30 is the new 20 ... and you're not even 30 yet!), and you are beautiful.  Continue to work out, continue to look for a new job that will be more flexible and start researching beauty schools, filling out applications, and applying for government aid.  

I believe in you and I believe that you can do it, I love you sister! <3 


Share a beauty secret/tip:

Here is my tip:  stand/sit up straight.

I know I need to take my own advise here, but seriously - this simple tip will take you a long ways.
One of my biggest frustrations is seeing these absolutely beautiful women hunched over.
Sitting and standing up straight will not only improve your looks, but in many cases, can decrease back pain (I know this from experience).

My own posture isn't great, but it's better than what it was.  I used to stand with my hips too far forward and my shoulders hunched over - if I could have see myself from a distance, I would have known how silly I looked.

Here is a test to give yourself - stand up how you would normally stand and have a close friend - someone honest - view you from the side, a profile view.  Your ear, shoulder, hips, knees, and ankles should be in a perfectly straight line.  If they are not, have your friend help you position yourself correctly.  I found that my hips and shoulders needed to go back and my head/chin needed to be up.

Trust me, this is one of the BEST things you can do for yourself - posture!

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