"only You can make every new day seem so new" ~Five Iron Frenzy

Monday, February 7, 2011

To My Little Sister

To a young girl in my life - 
My little sister, Laura.

I'm supposed to write to you and tell you what beauty means.  This could not have come at a  better time in your life.  I'm going to tell you everything I wish I had known/had been told when I was in middle school (okay, maybe not everything, but a few things).

First of all, I'm not as old as mom (or even Bethany or Kathie) - my middle and high school years really aren't that far in my past and they still hold many vivid memories.

Though you haven't really thought about it, your goals for middle school are probably to have fun, to fit in, to be liked, and to escape the rest of this year and next year unscathed (without harm).  And, to be honest, your goals for high school will be strikingly similar.

But let me tell you something: fitting in is very over-rated (the lucky ones find this out by the time they get to high school - virtually everyone finds this out after they finish high school).  The only reasonable thing that can be expected of you is that you be the best possible version of yourself.  If your friends, or other kids, don't like that, then that's their problem.

Right now, if I were to ask you who the most beautiful girl in your school was, you would probably point to the skinniest, blondest, most popular girl.  But I would disagree.  Being beautiful isn't about being skinny, having small feet, wearing the right clothes, or being popular or well-liked.

Being beautiful means that you aren't afraid to wear clothes that you truly like and feel comfortable in - even if they aren't the "latest fashion."  Being beautiful means that you are not afraid to be yourself.  It means that you take responsibility - you work hard at school and at the things you love to do, even when it seems like your hard work isn't paying off.  You continue to push through even when you think you've failed.  Being beautiful means that you are kind to others.  You don't make fun of others (even when they are not around), and you don't put others down, because you know how much it hurts when others do the same to you.

You know what, Laura?  I know that you are beautiful.  You are leaps and bounds ahead of where I was playing flute at your age - never give up on it, keep working hard.  You are also much more outgoing than I was and you have a great sense of humor.  Don't be afraid to let your personality shine and don't be afraid to be "quirky" (not like every one else).

Middle school, even high school, will fly by quicker than you know it.  Once you are done, you won't care whether you fit in or whether people liked you.  You'll go on to college, you won't keep any friendship that isn't worth keeping, and you'll make some of the best friends you'll ever have - ones that like you, not only just the way you are, but because you are the way you are.  What will matter, is that you took your middle school and high school years and you worked hard at everything you did and that you were the best possible version of yourself.

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