"only You can make every new day seem so new" ~Five Iron Frenzy

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Ides of March

Yesterday was the Ides of March, and an interesting day it was.
I did not get stabbed 23 times - for which I am grateful - but the day was interesting, nonetheless.

It began brightly. I woke up early(ish), worked out, and saw that I had mail. I had received a fun little card from a dear friend :) That cheered me.

As evening began to set in, we had some tornado weather over here in eastern Michigan - in the middle of March. I spent the evening watching the local weather channel and the skies changing outside. We were lucky enough to have no tornado touch downs here, but there were several nearby. We just had lots and lots of rain and thunder...with some hail. It was looking scary enough that I put Squirt in a shoe box, ready to run for cover if needed. He was not too happy with me.

During this lovely weather, Adam's grandma was driving home - chased by a funnel cloud. She went to the hospital last night, but she's okay. Mere minutes after finding this out, I found out that my sister Kathie's family was spending the evening in the ER. Her daughter Sophie has asthma induced by croup and needed breathing treatments. Luckily, she is now fine as well.

Once all this drama settled a little - as well as the weather - I got a text from my mother saying that her uncle Jim passed away last night. I have some very fond memories of Jim and his wife Margaret. Two of the nicest people I've known. Unfortunately I haven't seen him much ... at all ... in the past few years. His death is sad, but I'm more grieved for his widow and for my grandma (his sister).

That about sums up my rather ... odd ... Ides of March. Strange weather, strange events, and a slightly notorious day. Kind of cliche ... and yet a little chilling.

It's peculiar, really. Previous to yesterday, I had no idea what the "Ides of March" was. I had heard the phrase before - and knew it was somehow connected with Julius Caesar. With all the talk of it yesterday, I decided to look it up online. Thanks Wikipedia, I am now the wiser :)

But "Ides" or not, it was still a weird day.

How was your March 15th?

1 comment:

  1. That is super cute that you got Squirt ready just in case!
