"only You can make every new day seem so new" ~Five Iron Frenzy

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Like Waking Up..."

"...from the longest dream, how real it seemed, until your love broke through. I've been lost in a fantasy, that blinded me, until your love broke through." ~Keith Green

So now that my blog has a wonderful new make-over (don't you just love owls?), I'm going to begin making over it's contents as well...

Once a week (I'm thinking Thursdays...), I want to post about one thing I am thankful for.  I have been in quite a rut lately, and not a good one. I think this will really help me remember the countless blessings that I have been ... blessed with!

I also want to do a literary post once a week.  It's been a while since I've read anything new, so I want to use this as a challenge to find something different to read and to make a post on my thoughts whilst reading.  What book do you think I should begin with? 
Harry Potter (book 1)
Gulliver's Travels
The Time Machine
The Adventure's of Sherlock Holms.
PS-if you're going to vote for Harry Potter, I need someone to lend me a book...

And my third post for the week?  Updates on life, new pictures, random thoughts, or whatever I feel compelled to share :O)

And I will finish this post with a little bit of everything 

*deep sigh and holding of breath*

Here we go!

Thankful - 
The other day a friend of mine posted a quote by Keith Green on Facebook (if you don't know who he is, click here!) I suddenly had the urge to listen to his music - his wonderful, straightforward, honest, simple, music.  Having none of my own, I looked him up on YouTube and listened to several of his songs - my favorites are "Your Love Broke Through" and "Make My Life a Prayer to You." ...all I can say is that God really spoke to me ... through someone who died 5 years before I was born, via YouTube.  Yes, my God is awesome, and I've really been thanking him lately for the blessing of Keith Green's music. Like I said, it's so simple, and so honest, every word is felt in my heart.

Literature -
About a week ago, I began reading Jane Eyre (for the second time), and I must say I like it much better the second time around.  It does get a little dry in some places, but I now know what places I can skim over and not be dragged down by Charlotte Bronte's minute description of every detail.  This compelling story is set amid a whirlwind of illusions, much symbolism and gothic style.  It's for the truly romantic, as well as down-to-earth, as well as literary-nerd, at heart.

Current Happenings -
This Easter, my husband had to work all weekend! So rather than being stuck home alone, my in-laws adopted me for the day.  I went to church with them Sunday morning, had dinner with them and went to visit some family that evening. I also made my husband a wicked-sweet Easter basket that he came home from work to, Sunday morning:

Then, the day after Easter, our friends Chris and Katie came to visit with their yorkie-puppy Mario (oh yeah, our friend Ben was there too :P )

and he fell asleep in my arms <3 

I seriously miss this girl...and now her puppy too!

...then, yesterday, I went to the Tigers'-Mariners game at Comerica Park with my wonderful husband and his brother, Jake.

 Jake and Adam


Okay, the Tigers' may have lost, but we still had a fun time!
That's all for now, 

Much Love to All!


  1. thankful thursdays, i love it!
    i vote HP, mike can lend you his next time you're home!

  2. And that's the name I was going to use! LOL
